Martin Creed: First Major Survey A Multi Sensory Fun Fair

Unknown, alien objects disorientate you from your very first steps: once you’ve navigated past the dog-eared sofa that curiously blocks the entrance, Work No.1092 (2011) hurtles worryingly close above your head (or for taller visitors, could well threaten decapitation). It’s exciting, but witty too – the 12-metre long neon sign , spelling ‘Mothers’, dwarfs you and ruffles your hair. What a way to show the significance of the maternal presence in life.

Much found here is playful, and thought-provoking, while at times like the whimsy of Grayson Perry and Jeremy Deller. You’ll find his famous Work 1813 The lights Going on and off, paintings that he has does blind, tongue-in-cheek neon slogans, while Work No. 200 ‘Half the air in a given space’ (2004) sees half of the air in a room is contained by balloons. The title is high-concept – something that comes with the YBA territory – but the experience is a riotous and chaotic dose of entertainment.


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