It was the exhibition that everyone seemed so eager to hate: Mega-dealer Larry Gagosian’s Lower East Side “pop-up” space, open through May 23, showcasing sculptures by Urs Fischer inside a former Chase bank on Delancey Street. (Another gallery outpost at 821 Park Avenue is hosting his massive bronze piece, “last supper.”) “How’s Gagmewithaspoon?,” my friend inquired, rolling her eyes via text message. “You’re going to see Urs Fischer?” asked one young man of his companion, lounging at a more sedate opening for an octogenarian Lebanese painter around the corner. “Oh, how ‘exciiiiiting.’” I wasn’t immune to sarcasm and doubt myself, having previously fired off a snarky tweet after reading the gallery’s announcement about Larry’s attempt to get down with the downtown kids. (“New@Gagosian pop-up outpost in LES is sponsored by @PBR_USA; venue’s official name is Larry’s [expletive deleted] Playhouse.”)