Sunsets in Art

As a pure fascination for artists, nature and its magnificent shapes have preoccupied many authors over the centuries. The sunset paintings which will be showcased in this article display just how versatile the approach to nature for many authors is. Be it as a detailed drawing, pure play of color, glorious landscape paintings, or as a suggestive abstraction, the sunset paintings are always much more than the depiction of the day ending. This idea of the end, which fascinates almost everyone, finds its metaphor in the sunset. On the other hand, the shift of the light and the glorious color combinations which occur in nature, for the few is close to kitsch art and it is no wonder that many would say that there is no greater painter then Nature herself.
With the birth of Impressionism, artists opted to showcase the idea of the reality, its impression rather than the realistic depiction. This opened up many possibilities for painters who are interested in landscape paintings especially in the en plain air method. Through the use of color, we may guess what was the day like during the moment the painter painted his image, what emotions ran through him and if they saw the world as a great place.


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