Why has looking at art in Britain become a snob’s rite of passage?

To have “taste” in art and know a bit about it is part of the battery of glib accomplishments that mark out the elite from ordinary folk. This hateful art snobbery has nothing to do with a true love of art – it is just about being able to talk the talk. The French sociologist Pierre […]

Oscar Puts Steve McQueen Beyond Contemporary Art

Indomitable. That’s how Brad Pitt described Steve McQueen during the Oscars Ceremony last night, when 12 Years a Slave—the harrowing story of a man sold into slavery, co-produced by Pitt and directed by McQueen—won Best Picture award. McQueen is no doubt a film force to be reckoned with, embraced and feted by Hollywood. And it’s within […]

On the Money at the London Auctions

The truth of the art market is that art sells better at auction than it does in the galleries. This is primarily due to the “new buyer” phenomenon, which for the time being is what rules the day. All hail the rule of the auction season! Here’s my take on the recent sales in London. […]

Adapting The Armory Show: Noah Horowitz on Mixing Art and Business

The first week of March has become, thanks to The Armory Show and Armory Arts Week, the true kick off of the spring art season. Art fairs have increasingly become the key meeting place for galleries and collectors, a trend that benefits The Armory Show. Under the leadership of Executive Director, Noah Horowitz, the fair has worked to […]